The age of the work from anywhere (WFA) worker is upon us, but many employers wonder if WFA workers really are more productive. The answer is a resounding yes. Below are a few reasons why cutting the cord and allowing workers to work from anywhere is actually a great thing for both a company’s output and the worker’s mental well-being.
TableWorks @ The Loft (Wong Chuk Hang)
Decreased stress, higher happiness
Getting to and staying in an office for nine hours a day is a stressful ordeal. The commute is a pain. Being stuck in a fluorescently-lit box all day is a pain. Restrictive scheduling is a pain.
WFA does away with all of that, giving workers much more flexibility to work the way they want to without sacrificing productivity. In fact, productivity has been found to increase considerably when the worker is not stressed.
Less hassle = more motivation
Studies have shown that workers are willing to accept 10% less pay if working from anywhere is an option. It is obvious that people like working from home, and they will do everything they can to hold onto a WFA job. This includes going the extra mile with their work to make sure their professional freedom is not taken away. Not only do WFA workers put in more effort, but companies that utilise WFA have a 25% better worker retention rate than those that don’t.
A custom working environment
Different types of environments maximise productivity for certain roles. Creative roles like designers flourish in a different environment than those who work in PR, or data analysis, or management. For a bit more info, check out the post on inspiring productivity through the work environment. A WFA worker can find an environment that works best for him or her specifically, especially with Tableworks that offers a variety of productivity-focused locations.
Healthier lifestyle = better work
WFA allows workers a lot more freedom to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The hours spent on a commute can be spent instead of exercising or learning new skills. Things like that may seem irrelevant to work, but it’s been proven countless times that happier, healthier individuals perform a lot better at their jobs.
Change in environment
Most people work better when they are stimulated mentally. Office workers can fall into a subconscious rut by working in exactly the same place for hours every day. WFA workers, on the other hand, can frequently switch up their workplace to keep on their toes. Again, this is easy to do while maintaining productivity in the workplace by utilising Tableworks hotdesks, with our large network of remote workspaces in Hong Kong.
Put in more hours
One might assume that WFA workers would slack off and not work as much. Studies show this is not true. Workers with the freedom to be productive whenever they want will often work for a few minutes during their free time, in the evenings, or when a job-related idea comes into their head. They also take less sick days and often find themselves checking up on work during vacations or holidays.
WFA has been repeatedly proven to be more productive than a traditional work schedule, not to mention better for employee happiness. Because of that, only 44% of companies in the world still don’t allow any remote work, and that number is shrinking every day. Microsoft Japan and other big corporates are currently utilising remote work for all workers. There is little excuse not to join them, and the team at TableWorks would be more than happy to help you get started offering company membership accounts.